Samantha had given me some yarns from a huge stash she got from
Freecycle, including some

light-blue eyelash yarns. I am not
terribly fond of light blue but am intrigued by eyelash yarn. So I'd been searching for a yarn to combine with it. I was in Beverly's (shudder) and a woman and I started chatting in the knitting aisle. I grabbed a skein of similar eyelash yarn, and she pulled out a skein of
Lion Brands "Micro Spun" in a gorgeous shade of intense turquoise. The photos don't show off the turquoise very well (it's a little washed out) but it does peek out from behind the eyelash rather intriguingly. I was going to offer it to Sami's mom but I have a feeling she'd decline. What to do with it?

Having finished that, I frogged my second try at the 2-way eyelash scarf I

bought yarn for, and started, easily a year ago. (My first foray into
Yarn! on Santa Clara.) For my third try (I think this is it), I cast on 20 stitches VERY loosely and am just knitting a tube. This scarf should be able to be pulled lengthwise for a neck scarf and widthwise for a warm cowl. It's more purply/violet than the red in the photos. HAPPY multi, on Clover wooden circulars, size 15, 16" long. I wonder how far I'll get in church today?
Yeah! You finished the blue/turq scarf. So cool. Yeah, not really Sunny's thing, but so sweet of you to think of her. The other scarf is probably more her colours but not her fiber choice. Yeah, I love her but she can be difficult.
You know, I also am not terribly fond of light blue but I am so very intrigued by eyelash yarn!
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